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dataTaker Expert
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posted 3 days ago at 2:07 pm
Dear Users & Support,
I'm having troubles in setting up a second CEM extension into my DT80 series 3 logger. I have successfully connected one CEM20 extension into the datalogger channel 1. However, when I try to do the same for a second CEM20 connecting it to channel 2, I keep getting RefError while reading the measurements from the command line interface.
I'm sure the sensors are w
posted Feb 12 '20 at 8:49 pm
I have a DT80 datataker attached to several type T thermocouples. My issue is that at some points the thermocouple temperature "jumps". It jumps, then continues at the new temperature for a while, then there is another jump and so on. This occurs even when I am not interacting with my setup.
I have attached a graph showing two jumps, one at around 61 s the other at around 68 s. For ref
posted Jul 2 '24 at 7:56 pm
Hey folks
I am trying to connect DT80 to my computer and test whether I can read the registers for two thermocouple points that are connected via 485 connection.
On the serial port, I have 9-pin serial cable that I terminated to a RS485 to USB converter ( I use Pin no. 3 for A+, Pin no. 7 for B- and Pin no. 5 for G.
Then I plugged in to the USB to
can anyone please guide me how to connect 3 wire strain guage to DT85G logger and how to collect data from it?
i am a first time user and didnt know about this.
if anyone can provide me connection diagram or any document regarding this.
it would be very helpful for me.
Thank You.
posted Jul 23 '24 at 7:04 pm
Dear Sir,
In our facilities, we have several units of Datataker, namely DT80G-3 and DT85-3, used in structural health monitoring activities of bridges and other large structures.
One of the DT80G-3 suffered the effect of lightning (we deduce), and some components broke, which completely shut down the device.
We have already replaced the DC-DC converters U165 and U166 and the unit has sta
posted Jan 24 at 8:06 am
How can i get dump_dbd v13 softwear
While connecting the datataker (DT80 series 3) to the software dex a yellow light shows and no connection is restored.
I have tried soft reset and even connecting with the internet cable but no changes are shown.
Afterwards I have tried to connect a more recent version of the Datataker (DT80 series 4) and the connection is green without any trouble.
Can you make a suggestion o
Hi, I have an old but stiil perfect DT600 sat on the shelf and it may be useful for a project. Is there a way to get the data to a PC or Mac then excel ??
posted Dec 12 '24 at 3:30 pm
I have a new DT80 series 4 and have followed the steps outlined in the manual, but it doesn't connect to dEX-2. The datalogger is version 9.22, and i have tried both using the usb and ethernet cables, with the respective I.P addresses provided (dtUSB indicates and command port 7700, ethernet). When adding the device on dEX-2, the tile indicator remains red and when testing the connectiv
posted Dec 2 '24 at 10:59 am
I try to transmit ASCII: NUL dec: 0
If I set CV98=1 and transmit 1Serial("{\0%c[98CV]\255}")
I get in HEX: 00 01 FF it is correct.
If I set CV98=0 and transmit 1Serial("{\0%c[98CV]\255}")
I get in HEX: 00 FF it is incorrect.
I need in HEX: 00 00 FF
I must be flexible with a variable CV and can not hardcoding \0 in the real command (measuring value)
What do i wrong?
posted Nov 29 '24 at 5:47 pm
So I managed to update the firmware of a 2011 DT80 which had a previous version of 9.08. (DT80 Series 3 SN 092635
I have a RS485 half duplex device which I want to record its output via the TxZ and RTSY pins (A and B).
To my understanding, through dEX-2 I set the serial PROFILE SERSEN_PORT to have the following baud rate of 9600 8N1 mode RS485 function serial which is the same settings
posted Feb 15 '24 at 12:00 pm
The problem with measuring Resistance
We have a DT85 g series 2 on which all 23 temperature measurements have started to show a bag value compared to what it should be. An example is the air temperature is 9 degrees C outside and the logger shows 17 and all the others have been moved higher.
MU X Huggenberger 48 is connected to DT 85
1DBO(W)=1-1 1R(II,,MD
I am attempting to measure the potential from a pH probe connected to the analog input channel (1*V). The pH probe is calibrated with known buffer solutions:
• pH 7: 0 mV
• pH 4: 175 mV
While the probe outputs the expected values when measured directly using a voltmeter (with the DT85 offline), the readings become completely unstable and random when the DT85 is active and
posted Jul 16 '24 at 11:02 pm
Hi All experts,
I collect data using all channels, 7 temperature sensors, 7 pressure sensors, 2 digital input, frequency etc.
When I open DEX2, I cannot view the data in real time including gauge pressure.
Is there a faster connection method instead of Ethernet cable?
Datataker stucks when I open the application.
I can download the data at the end of the day, but I want to
Based on the value read from a thermister I wish to activate a relay to continue a heater or turn it off until it drops below a set value. Here is the code that I thought would work based on the manual but it fails to compile.
'Generated by new dEX-2
LOGONA 5R(II,2W,"Resistance~Ohms",=10
My DT80 Series 2 (Firmware 9.2) has been chugging away logging local weather and other farm data for the best part of 2 decades. No complaints about the durability!
I am now tring to add a Modbus Chinese soil moisture probe, and doing initial command line tests to work past the lack of functional documentation...
My first mystery is that the DT80 doesn't appear to care if the probe is conne
I have 3 E&H Promag400 flow meters that I want to connect to a single DT82I. All the inputs on the DT82I are exhausted so I am stuck with the high speed counter inputs 1C, 2C, 3C and 4C.
I have been reading through all the manuals to understand how I should wire up the flow meter frequency output terminals (24+ and 25-) to the DT82I. The flow meter output terminals are designated as pass
posted Aug 25 '24 at 6:40 pm
Hi, I I've just been given a DT85 for my work. Looks brand new but I think it is an older model. I cannot seem to connect to it. The IP address changes in accordance with whether I connect directly to the computer to to the network using an ethernet cable, but it stays stubbornly offline, and the console shows Error 404 as it tries to connect. I have opened Port 80 for inbound and outbound but st
The type T thermocouples reads wrong in the DT. We confirmed the measurements all the way up to the connections on the DT 80 and they should be reading 110 to 120°F. The DT 80 though fluctuates between 49 and 84 F, with one reading a negative temperature. Other type K thermocouples connected to the DT 80 reads correct. No configuration changes were made since the time they last all worked. Th
posted Sep 28 '24 at 10:19 pm
We recently purchased a DT80 Series 4. I've noticed that there is no connectivity between the ground terminals, including between digital grounds and analogue ground. When I enable the 12V output, I cannot see a voltage drop between the 12V output and digital grounds. However, I can see an 11.5V difference between the housing ground (the screw on the side of the DT80 housing with a ground
posted Jul 2 '24 at 9:28 am
Hi all.
18 months ago I managed to set up a datataker DT85G so that it would measure voltages of up to 3 volts on 12 inputs at 1 minute intervals.
I have another logger to try to do the same thing to and cannot find my documentation.
It took me a week last time to trawl through the manual and work out what I had to do and it pains me to spend another week on this.
Just to compound th
This topic will show how to create UNIX timestamp as alarms text.
'11CV – ten thousands part of number of days since 1 January 1970 expressed in second
'12CV – thousands and hundreds part os number of days since 1 January 1970 expressed in second
'13CV – tens and ones part of number of days since 1 January 1970 expressed in second
'14CV – initial 4 digits of UNIX time
posted Jun 21 '24 at 10:59 am
I am running a job with 4 schedules, and while this job is running I would like to update one of the variable K-factor in one of the schedules.
How can I do it over telnet session while program is running?
I could set it and restart the program if it needs restarting.
Good afternoon, I and my company "AVIPE" are having some problems with our DT80 Series 1 I believe.
What he problem is:
We programmed it to have the function, date and time.
But before that we had made it so it Only had the date and time (accidentally).
We programmed it and went to go eat, later (1-3 hours) we checked back on the DT80 and it REVERTED back to only having date and tim
I'm trying to setup a DT80 that my company has had on a shelf for likely 6-8 years. In order tot ry and use the device using the dEX-2 software I determined I needed to update the firmware. However I cannot use the browser interface due to the lack of flash. I opted to use the USB update option. However it sat stating it was processing "oninsert.dxc" overnight with no change. Is that expected if
posted May 31 '24 at 3:43 am
My sensor has a modbus address like this, how do i set it in the datataker
Channel Registers Using Standard Addressing
Zero-Based One-Based +40,001 +400,001
Pressure 0 1 40001 400001
Temperature 2 3. 40003 400003
Power Supply Voltage 4 5 40005 400005
I have dt80 and have a thermistor in channel 1. It was initially giving me values at the require sample time but they appeared to be too high. While trouble shooting this , the values returned became invalid with overrange message. Different channels were tried, same result. Tried to do a resistance measurement, same result. I short circuited the input channel block screws with some copper wire.