Hi Abdullah here
I'm using DT85 Version 9.22.9125
I created new schedules, and deleting previous ones. These are saved but when press apply to logger, it doesn't work, the data taker screen shows'' SW exception ''
I cleared all schedule, restarted DT85, and added 1 schedule with 1 channel only, but still it didn't work
posted Feb 9 '24 at 8:57 am
During a maintenance operation, our DT80 series 4 did not respond to commands sent through dEx2, even though the commands server was activated in the configuration (port = 7700, 600s timeout).
As you can see in the attached picture below, server commands connection is successful, but an error window appears when trying to send any command or random characters.
On DeTrans
posted Aug 24 '23 at 9:28 am
I have a DT80 with 9.20 firmware that have lost it configuration at the 21/08/2023. The configuration waw installed since the 31/05/23 and running correctly until now.
Note : The DT80 was continuously running since the 25/07/2023 (4weeks), without electrical shutdown.
Here is the extract from the service.log
EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:46,0.096435,"Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON
posted Jun 2 '23 at 6:44 am
We have multiple DT80M datalogger over the country and for some reason, they many of them have started to lost the SIM pin code. This affects only for this settings, all others ones are fine. It happens randomly, between month or like once in a year. After entering the SIM Pin again, everythings works like excepted. This phenomen was not going on a couple of years ago with these logger
posted Apr 3 '23 at 5:29 am
DT85M failed to communicate via SIM with message: "Modem will retry [SIM problem]".
SIM was removed and reinserted and slide catch engaged and checked that was fully engaged.
SIM had been working for a number of years without problem then the issue started a couple of weeks ago when emails containing data ceased.
last week we encountered a problem with out DT80-3.
For no apparent reason it stopped logging, and on the display it said 'Cannot log - File error':
Do you know what can cause this, and how we can prevent it from happening in the future?
Best regards,
posted Aug 22 '22 at 3:00 pm
Following our system OFF/ON, the integrated DT80 has lost its configuration (no current job). This problem has already been seen on other DT80 that we use.
The DT80 had already "survived" previous ON/OFF, the data loss appears random.
Moreover, after the configuration loss it has been then impossible to reload the configuration of the DT80, even after freeing disk space.
posted Jun 29 '22 at 11:53 am
Hi Please Help!
Offline Status : Developer Tools gives this error!
I know this occurs when you use port number that is common for other function such as port 7700 or the target port was not running on JSON script but still giving a response
but how do I fix?
(I have up to date firmware and software)
posted Aug 19 '21 at 10:22 am
Was inserting new code on a recently acqqired DT80 series 4 on Dex 2 and applied some changes to the logger program, as I've done before, but now it is not able to obtain an IP address.
Dex-2 tries to heartbeat the logger but never manages to connect. I've accessed the logger through its IP on the browser and can see the event log:
"Ethernet Interface: cannot obtain an IP Addre
I'm using series3 DT80. After firmware upgrade to last version v9.22, logger
was working fine for a week, untill I wanted to clear logger internal memory using command DELALLJOBS. Result of "delalljobs" command was that current job was terminated but message SW exception appeared. Moreover, internal disk was not cleared.
Now, logger display show message "No current job", but I
posted Mar 26 '21 at 8:10 am
To collect data from a serial device we use manual channels.
There are some problems to realize it with dEX-2:
The available space to enter commands is limited. (We could solve it by splitting it to several channels)
After saving the configuration to a file and reloading it, there are suddenly many blank lines inserted that we did not originally enter. After each save, this seems to double
Hi Facing an Issue with DT82i connectivity.
I was able to connect device and create channels and even sent data using Modbus TCP, but all of sudden the status it is showing is "device is currently offline" in dEX 2.1.18 application and even web interface is not working its just loading.
As in Device LCD screen it was showing message "SW Exception" but after deleting all jobs from the device
posted Mar 5 '21 at 2:36 am
When using dEX-2 to apply a schedule to our dataloggers, the dataloggers now give the error "SW Exception".
Some times the schedule does no load and there is "no config", sometimes it does load. But we get the error code every time we try to apply the schedule. The dataloggers and dEX 2 were working fine for two weeks but then this issue started. At first it was every second time but
Good Day Everyone,
I am facing problem with applying program to logger since the power always changes from setted 'always' to 'only when taking reading' which causes our equipment to not function accordingly.
posted Nov 17 '20 at 8:10 pm
While troubleshooting a strange voltage reading on a DT85 S3, I narrowed it down to this. When I measured the reading outside of a schedule, it measured the voltage correctly. When the same line of code was used in a schedule, it measured the incorrect value.
Actual voltage measured with a Fluke multimeter at the DT85
terminals: 44.7 mV
Voltage manually measured by DT85 in DeTransfer without
posted Apr 19 '19 at 4:13 am
Hi All,
I have a series 3 DT85 v9.14. It as not been used much over the last year, and now just when I need it it seems to be giving me an error. As it collects data it will, all of a sudden, stop, lights flash, and the message SW exception appears.
I was having a problem with the unit running on battery, in that it was losing power then turning back on then losing power. I traced that t
posted Apr 19 '19 at 3:58 am
I need to measure an analog voltage of +/- 5 Vdc. I know I need to set the channel 10:1 attenuator in order to do this. When I configure the input range to '30V Input' on my channel in dEX and save to the logger, I get the error message as seen in the attachment.
I've tried doing the command through the command window in dEX also [9HV(GL30V)]. Then it seems to be accepted, but when I apply a
posted Apr 18 '19 at 4:45 am
Dear all,
I have been experimenting using a DT85 Series 2 to measure relative humidity using the Wet/Dry bulb method. I have been taking the measurements using a pair of K type thermocouples - one of which is 'wet.'
I have tried using the routine outline in the FAQ through DeTransfer. The problem is that the calculation in the formula is quite different from that using a psychrometric cha
posted Apr 18 '19 at 12:52 am
I want to run the DT85 via USB, so therefore I need a USB-Driver. Unfortunately, the Driver on the page seems to be missing. Also, the dEX software platform, which I thought I could find is leading me to an "not found" page. Could you help me with that problems?
Clemens Basler
I noticed in the Release Notes for a recent logger purchased that has the 9.10 firmware installed that a new running average channel option has been implemented. I thought this would be useful, but I can't seem to get it to work.
I created a manual channel in the configuration builder "Configure the logger", and even when I copy verbatim the channel example in the release notes, when