General Discussions
SW EXCEPTION error in DT85

I tried to configure my DT85 series 4 data taker using ethernet connection. After putting in IP address and port details it is still showing "device is offline" in dex 2.0 software. Also, data taker is showing "SW EXCEPTION" error. Upon checking in development tools it is showing “ERR_CONNECTION_RESET” error. Please help and explain in detail as I am using it for the first time. Thanks team!!

hello. I tried to configure my DT85 series 4 data taker using ethernet connection. After putting in IP address and port details it is still showing "device is offline" in dex 2.0 software. Also, data taker is showing "SW EXCEPTION" error. Upon checking in development tools it is showing “ERR_CONNECTION_RESET” error. Please help and explain in detail as I am using it for the first time. Thanks team!!

Hi ishaa24,

Can you please send us the service report? The connection reset in dEX is likely due to a problem in the network setting.

Best regards,
dataTaker Expert

Hi ishaa24, Can you please send us the service report? The connection reset in dEX is likely due to a problem in the network setting. Best regards, dataTaker Expert
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