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FTP Upload problem (server out of sync)

Hi @all,

I'm currently evaluating a DT80M Datataker Logger for the use with our SDI12 Moisture sensors. Logging the data works fine so far but I hit a strange problem uploading the data to an FTP server. Every time the Logger tries to upload data, it fails with some strange 'FTP: server out of sync (-3)' error.

DT80> SESSION: Starting (manual)
SESSION: Ready (MEDIONmobi,3G-HSPA,-93dBm,
SESSION: Completed
SESSION: Starting (alarm/unload)
SESSION: Ready (MEDIONmobi,3G-HSPA,-87dBm,
FTP: Connecting to server (
FTP: server out of sync (-3)
FTP: Failed - will retry
FTP: Connecting to server (
FTP: server out of sync (-3)
FTP: Failed - will retry
SESSION: Completed

I can see the connection approach in the logs of the ftp server (vsftpd) but now errors here. Can you please help me here?

Hi @all, I'm currently evaluating a DT80M Datataker Logger for the use with our SDI12 Moisture sensors. Logging the data works fine so far but I hit a strange problem uploading the data to an FTP server. Every time the Logger tries to upload data, it fails with some strange 'FTP: server out of sync (-3)' error. **_DT80> SESSION: Starting (manual) SESSION: Ready (MEDIONmobi,3G-HSPA,-93dBm, SESSION: Completed SESSION: Starting (alarm/unload) SESSION: Ready (MEDIONmobi,3G-HSPA,-87dBm, FTP: Connecting to server ( FTP: server out of sync (-3) FTP: Failed - will retry ... FTP: Connecting to server ( FTP: server out of sync (-3) FTP: Failed - will retry SESSION: Completed _ ** I can see the connection approach in the logs of the ftp server (vsftpd) but now errors here. Can you please help me here?

Hi Markus,

Please enable FTP diagnostic P56=8 and try again to check if you get more information about the nature of 'server out of sync'.

Best regards,
Rudy Gunawan

Hi Markus, Please enable FTP diagnostic P56=8 and try again to check if you get more information about the nature of 'server out of sync'. Best regards, Rudy Gunawan


I am having the same error on a DT85.
DT85> P56=8
DT85> ETH SESSION: Starting (alarm/unload)
FTP: Connecting to server (
FTP: server out of sync (-3)
FTP: Failed - will retry
ETH SESSION: Completed

Did you work out what the problem was?

Hi, I am having the same error on a DT85. DT85> P56=8 DT85> ETH SESSION: Starting (alarm/unload) ETH SESSION: Ready ( FTP: Connecting to server ( FTP: server out of sync (-3) FTP: Failed - will retry ETH SESSION: Completed Did you work out what the problem was?

Hi Markus and Brad,

The server is out of sync is related to the failed detection of the server's directory structure and files. This detection is a preliminary step of scanning the target directory before sending any files.

It can also be because the type of security setting is different than the one you tried to use. In this case, you will need to check the access of that FTP server using Filezilla or WinSCP. If you need to use a secure connection, it won't work with dataTaker.

Best regards,
dataTaker Expert

Hi Markus and Brad, The server is out of sync is related to the failed detection of the server's directory structure and files. This detection is a preliminary step of scanning the target directory before sending any files. It can also be because the type of security setting is different than the one you tried to use. In this case, you will need to check the access of that FTP server using Filezilla or WinSCP. If you need to use a secure connection, it won't work with dataTaker. Best regards, dataTaker Expert
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