Hi everyone,
I have used the DT800 on a remote site to log 15 channels (mv) for 2 separate periods of 1 month each.I used an external 12v battery and the logging frequency was every half an hour. No default parameters were changed for the DT800.
I had a problem with the second period when the DT800 logged for 2 days and then the batteries were flat. This is different as the first monthly log period I had no problems with the batteries dying out. I did connect a GSM modem to the RS-232 port (powered separate & externally).
However, the modem was not used for communication at all though it was connected to the serial port all the time. I used a Wavecom M1306 modem with no auto power mode ie the modem was fully powered from a separate battery all the time.
Any thoughts on why the DT800 batteries (ext 12V and internal main 12V battery)drained out completely flat and I logged data for only 2 days out of 1 month that the system was installed at the remote site? If a fully powered modem is connected to the DT800 does it mean that the DT800 will not go to sleep? Why did the DT800 not sleep in between the half hourly scan cycle? DT800 version 4.08.0001
Any helpful comments are really appreciated.