I have four DT800s logging data on 15 minute intervals at a remote location. One logger has been locking up intermittently (stops logging, does not communicate).
Only way to reestablish communications has been by doing a hardware singlepush reset. After reset, the job is still okay but not running and data logging has stopped sometime previously. The event log shows nothing.
Other three loggers have been working fine. Only significant difference in programs is that this logger has a frequency channel scanned on a 15 second basis: P12=200 ' scan 200ms RB15S 11-F(W,GL100MV,Y23,=71CV) ' Scan wind speed and save 11#R(W,#,2W,S24,=72CV) ' Scan wind direction and save Is it possible for software to cause this crash?
I would like to eliminate any possibility before swapping out the logger.