Good morning Peter,
Parameter 36 (P36) is used to set the temperature units, not decimal points.
e.g. P36=0 sets degrees C (Default setting) P36=4 Sets up the DT800 for degrees R (Rankin)
The default number of decimal places for temperature readings in one decimal place. If you are using DeLogger4 this is changed to 4 decimal places (because deLogger4 uses fixed format mode /H).
If you are using DeTransfer and programming in the dataTaker code then use the FF channel option to set the number of decimal places.
E.g 1TK(FF5) will read a thermocouple on channel 1 and display 5 significant figures.
Good morning Peter,
Parameter 36 (P36) is used to set the temperature units, not decimal points.
e.g. P36=0 sets degrees C (Default setting) P36=4 Sets up the DT800 for degrees R (Rankin)
The default number of decimal places for temperature readings in one decimal place. If you are using DeLogger4 this is changed to 4 decimal places (because deLogger4 uses fixed format mode /H).
If you are using DeTransfer and programming in the dataTaker code then use the FF channel option to set the number of decimal places.
E.g 1TK(FF5) will read a thermocouple on channel 1 and display 5 significant figures.