Legacy Hardware and Apps
Headers missing from returned data files


Hopefully this one is really easy & it is me being a numpty... smile. I am using DeLogger Pro V5 to connect to a DT85 via an SMSX modem link.

The problem I am having is that the returned data, (in csv file), no longer has the column headers attached to it... that is to say that the whole of row 1 in the spreadsheet is blank. I thought this would be something silly like a switch not set correctly.

But i cannot see what is wrong.
Gareth Knopp
Mechanical Design Engineer Johnston Sweepers Ltd

Hi, Hopefully this one is really easy & it is me being a numpty... :smile:. I am using DeLogger Pro V5 to connect to a DT85 via an SMSX modem link. The problem I am having is that the returned data, (in csv file), no longer has the column headers attached to it... that is to say that the whole of row 1 in the spreadsheet is blank. I thought this would be something silly like a switch not set correctly. But i cannot see what is wrong. Thanks, Gareth Knopp Mechanical Design Engineer Johnston Sweepers Ltd

I've got a .dlr file unloaded from the DT85 that is not valid when opened in DeView. it doesn't have any data. But when opened in Notepad you get all the data...

Source dlr file can be downloaded here


Gareth Knopp

I've got a .dlr file unloaded from the DT85 that is not valid when opened in DeView. it doesn't have any data. But when opened in Notepad you get all the data... Source dlr file can be [url="http://dt85.engineeredbydesign.co.uk/data/080204-RT02-Fixed.dlr"]downloaded here[/url] Hmmmm Gareth Knopp

In dlr file I read:

No STATUS14 was found for job: RT01

so Delogger and Deview probably don't know what the data mean...
Have you forced the connection or skiped the Status check in the connection's properties (I'm not completely sure if this is the problem, cannot test now...)??

In dlr file I read: &lt;IDATA_MAP&gt; No STATUS14 was found for job: RT01 so Delogger and Deview probably don&#039;t know what the data mean... Have you forced the connection or skiped the Status check in the connection&#039;s properties (I&#039;m not completely sure if this is the problem, cannot test now...)??

I haven't forced the connect, everything should be set as standard/default (I think)

From going through the manuals, the only references to "STATUS14" are on pages 93, 146, 209 - the most useful seems:


The STATUS command returns a report showing the status of the DT80's schedules, channels, alarms, memory and logging
to the host computer. A typical report is shown below:

As with the TEST command, lines in the status report can be returned individually, using STATUSn.
Command Description
STATUS10 returns internal details about the current job
STATUS14 an extended version of STATUS10
The STATUS14 command is somewhat special in that it can also be applied to a non-current job, i.e.:
STATUS14 "jobname"

Unfortunately I'm still none the wiser really!


I haven&#039;t forced the connect, everything should be set as standard/default (I think) From going through the manuals, the only references to &quot;STATUS14&quot; are on pages 93, 146, 209 - the most useful seems: quote: &gt; STATUS The STATUS command returns a report showing the status of the DT80&#039;s schedules, channels, alarms, memory and logging to the host computer. A typical report is shown below: &gt; STATUSn As with the TEST command, lines in the status report can be returned individually, using STATUSn. Command Description STATUS10 returns internal details about the current job STATUS14 an extended version of STATUS10 The STATUS14 command is somewhat special in that it can also be applied to a non-current job, i.e.: STATUS14 &quot;jobname&quot; Unfortunately I&#039;m still none the wiser really! Gareth_K

Yep, DeView opens .DLR files, but not if curruption has occured.
DeView opens a few formats so if fairly useful.

Yep, DeView opens .DLR files, but not if curruption has occured. DeView opens a few formats so if fairly useful.

Good morning Gareth,

The files I received this morning had no status information. It might be because the status14 request from DeLogger timed out because of a slow connection.

As you are using a modem connection it would be safe to assume you are using DeLogger Pro in which case try connecting to the dataTaker and then do a "Manual Integrity Test" this forces a status 14 request and re-populates the data hub.


Good morning Gareth, The files I received this morning had no status information. It might be because the status14 request from DeLogger timed out because of a slow connection. As you are using a modem connection it would be safe to assume you are using DeLogger Pro in which case try connecting to the dataTaker and then do a &quot;Manual Integrity Test&quot; this forces a status 14 request and re-populates the data hub. Cheers, Roger

Yep, DeView opens .DLR files, but not if curruption has occured.
DeView opens a few formats so if fairly useful.

I was referring to the linked file, - as DeView doesn't seem to open it.

&gt; Yep, DeView opens .DLR files, but not if curruption has occured. DeView opens a few formats so if fairly useful. I was referring to the linked file, - as DeView doesn&#039;t seem to open it.

Good morning Gareth,

Linked file??

DeView can't open it because there is no status14 header. It is the status14 information that is used to generate the header.

You can open the file and parse it in Excel and add your own header manually.


Good morning Gareth, Linked file?? DeView can&#039;t open it because there is no status14 header. It is the status14 information that is used to generate the header. You can open the file and parse it in Excel and add your own header manually. Cheers, Roger

Hi Roger,

I was replying to SuperMono regarding the file i linked to in my previous post, as I thought people were saying they could open it in DeView where I cannot.

I can add the Headers in manually - and hence use the data I have got, but I really need a way of fixing the no show for the Status14 or whatever, so I can do it automatically.


Hi Roger, I was replying to SuperMono regarding the file i linked to in my previous post, as I thought people were saying they could open it in DeView where I cannot. I can add the Headers in manually - and hence use the data I have got, but I really need a way of fixing the no show for the Status14 or whatever, so I can do it automatically. Thanks, Gareth

Good morning Gareth,

When you unload data, DeLogger asks the dataTaker what channels are configured, This is returned to the computer with the STAUTS14 command. This is then used to create the IMAP header information which in your case is missing.

The most likely cause of not getting the STATUS14 data for the header is timing out of the command. You need to look at reasons why there may be time out or other communications problems.


Good morning Gareth, When you unload data, DeLogger asks the dataTaker what channels are configured, This is returned to the computer with the STAUTS14 command. This is then used to create the IMAP header information which in your case is missing. The most likely cause of not getting the STATUS14 data for the header is timing out of the command. You need to look at reasons why there may be time out or other communications problems. Cheers, Roger

Hi Roger,

Thanks for your reply. The information returned in the text window (in Replay Format mode) From a "Manual Integrity Check"

<A,"GPSCAN","2S:4~W",H,<"1SERIAL","Fix Quality","State",0,0,0,8,0,3>
<"1SERIAL","Lat D","Deg",0,0,0,8,0,3>
<"1SERIAL","Lat M","Min",0,0,0,8,6,3>
<"1SERIAL","Lon D","Deg",0,0,0,8,0,3>
<"1SERIAL","Lon M","Min",0,0,0,8,6,3>
<"5CV","True Course","Deg",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"6CV","Ground Speed","kph",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1L","Pressure F-LOOP","Bar",S2,0,0,8,1,3>
<"2L","Pressure R-LOOP","Bar",S2,0,0,8,1,3>
<"3TK","DPF Inlet Temp (","degC",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"4TK","Ambient Temp (De","degC",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"REFT","INTERNAL DT85 TE","degC",0,0,0,8,1,2>
<"5HV","Delta-P - DPF (m","mBar",S1,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1DS","Unit Mode W-T","State",0,0,3,10,0,3>
<"2DS","Nozzle Position","State",0,0,3,10,0,3>
<"3DS","Fan State","State",0,0,3,10,0,3>
<"4DS","Ignition STATE","State",0,0,3,10,0,3>
<"1SERIAL","AVE Engine Speed","(Ave)",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1SERIAL","MAX Engine Speed","(Max)",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1SERIAL","EEC1 Actual Torq","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1SERIAL","VHTotalVehHours ","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1SERIAL","Engine Fuel Rate","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"1SERIAL","ET1EngineCoolT (","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"6CV","Ground Speed","kph",0,0,0,8,1,3>>,
<B,"GPS_CVS","6+CV",H,<"9CV","Wait Time","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"4CV","Fix Quality","",0,0,0,8,0,3>
<"10CV","Lat D","Deg",0,0,0,8,0,3>
<"11CV","Lat M","Min",0,0,0,8,6,3>
<"12CV","Lon D","Deg",0,0,0,8,0,3>
<"13CV","Lon M","Min",0,0,0,8,6,3>
<"5CV","True Course","Deg",0,0,0,8,1,3>>,
<F,"WM_TIME","1+E",H,<"1ST","WM OFF TIME AFTE","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"22CV","WM TIME IN SECS","",0,0,0,8,1,3>
<"23CV","WM TIME IN MINS","",0,0,0,8,1,3>>,

The headers seem to be there? But the DLR file still wont open & the csv file still doesn't have any headers.

Gareth K

Hi Roger, Thanks for your reply. The information returned in the text window (in Replay Format mode) From a &quot;Manual Integrity Check&quot; ```` S,083712,2008/02/11,09:50:55,0.645507,14;0,1989,1,0,&quot;RT01&quot;,&quot;$&quot;,&lt;X&gt;, &lt;A,&quot;GPSCAN&quot;,&quot;2S:4~W&quot;,H,&lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;Fix Quality&quot;,&quot;State&quot;,0,0,0,8,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;Lat D&quot;,&quot;Deg&quot;,0,0,0,8,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;Lat M&quot;,&quot;Min&quot;,0,0,0,8,6,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;Lon D&quot;,&quot;Deg&quot;,0,0,0,8,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;Lon M&quot;,&quot;Min&quot;,0,0,0,8,6,3&gt; &lt;&quot;5CV&quot;,&quot;True Course&quot;,&quot;Deg&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;6CV&quot;,&quot;Ground Speed&quot;,&quot;kph&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;7CV&quot;,&quot;Altitude&quot;,&quot;m&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1L&quot;,&quot;Pressure F-LOOP&quot;,&quot;Bar&quot;,S2,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;2L&quot;,&quot;Pressure R-LOOP&quot;,&quot;Bar&quot;,S2,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;3TK&quot;,&quot;DPF Inlet Temp (&quot;,&quot;degC&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;4TK&quot;,&quot;Ambient Temp (De&quot;,&quot;degC&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;REFT&quot;,&quot;INTERNAL DT85 TE&quot;,&quot;degC&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,2&gt; &lt;&quot;5HV&quot;,&quot;Delta-P - DPF (m&quot;,&quot;mBar&quot;,S1,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1DS&quot;,&quot;Unit Mode W-T&quot;,&quot;State&quot;,0,0,3,10,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;2DS&quot;,&quot;Nozzle Position&quot;,&quot;State&quot;,0,0,3,10,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;3DS&quot;,&quot;Fan State&quot;,&quot;State&quot;,0,0,3,10,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;4DS&quot;,&quot;Ignition STATE&quot;,&quot;State&quot;,0,0,3,10,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;AVE Engine Speed&quot;,&quot;(Ave)&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;MAX Engine Speed&quot;,&quot;(Max)&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;EEC1 Actual Torq&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;VHTotalVehHours &quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;Engine Fuel Rate&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;1SERIAL&quot;,&quot;ET1EngineCoolT (&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;6CV&quot;,&quot;Ground Speed&quot;,&quot;kph&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt;&gt;, &lt;B,&quot;GPS_CVS&quot;,&quot;6+CV&quot;,H,&lt;&quot;9CV&quot;,&quot;Wait Time&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;4CV&quot;,&quot;Fix Quality&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;10CV&quot;,&quot;Lat D&quot;,&quot;Deg&quot;,0,0,0,8,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;11CV&quot;,&quot;Lat M&quot;,&quot;Min&quot;,0,0,0,8,6,3&gt; &lt;&quot;12CV&quot;,&quot;Lon D&quot;,&quot;Deg&quot;,0,0,0,8,0,3&gt; &lt;&quot;13CV&quot;,&quot;Lon M&quot;,&quot;Min&quot;,0,0,0,8,6,3&gt; &lt;&quot;5CV&quot;,&quot;True Course&quot;,&quot;Deg&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt;&gt;, &lt;C,&quot;C&quot;,&quot;6-CV&quot;,H,&gt;,&lt;D,&quot;UP_TIME&quot;,&quot;4-E&quot;,H,&lt;&quot;1ST&quot;,&quot;1ST&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt;&gt;, &lt;E,&quot;WM_TIME&quot;,&quot;1-E&quot;,H,&lt;&quot;1ST&quot;,&quot;1ST&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt;&gt;, &lt;F,&quot;WM_TIME&quot;,&quot;1+E&quot;,H,&lt;&quot;1ST&quot;,&quot;WM OFF TIME AFTE&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;22CV&quot;,&quot;WM TIME IN SECS&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt; &lt;&quot;23CV&quot;,&quot;WM TIME IN MINS&quot;,&quot;&quot;,0,0,0,8,1,3&gt;&gt;, &lt;G&gt;,&lt;H&gt;,&lt;I&gt;,&lt;J&gt;,&lt;K,&quot;K&quot;,&quot;8E&quot;,H,&gt;,&lt;*&gt;,&lt;S,&quot;S&quot;,&quot;1S:4~W&quot;,H,&gt;; ```` The headers seem to be there? But the DLR file still wont open &amp; the csv file still doesn&#039;t have any headers. Gareth K

Interestingly I have used DeLogger Pro V4 to connect to the same machine & therfore setup from a differetn latop, (using the same 3G/CSD-HSCSD modem) and the Headers have returned.

Does this spark any possible suggestions from anyone? Could it be AnitVirus software interfering with the connection?


Interestingly I have used DeLogger Pro V4 to connect to the same machine &amp; therfore setup from a differetn latop, (using the same 3G/CSD-HSCSD modem) and the Headers have returned. Does this spark any possible suggestions from anyone? Could it be AnitVirus software interfering with the connection? Thanks, Gareth


Comparing both DeLogger Pro installations, check if you have different settings in connection (menu connection > properties > advanced settings) and / or the Data Hub is locked (F5, then look if the "Lock job" is selected)...no other idea...

Hi, Comparing both DeLogger Pro installations, check if you have different settings in connection (menu connection &gt; properties &gt; advanced settings) and / or the Data Hub is locked (F5, then look if the &quot;Lock job&quot; is selected)...no other idea...

Hi Teo,

I'm not sure where you mean? - I am connecting through a modem, and on that tab of the connection properties dialogue box there is no "advanced settings" - Only on the network Tab.

I have now installed DL4 on my laptop with DL5 & the problem in connection and I have managed, again, with DL4 to download files with headers. You can't open DL4 & DL5 at the same time, but I'm pretty sure I have compared all settings and they are all the same...

The solution for now I guess is to use DL4! - Still doesn't explain why!

Hi Teo, I&#039;m not sure where you mean? - I am connecting through a modem, and on that tab of the connection properties dialogue box there is no &quot;advanced settings&quot; - Only on the network Tab. I have now installed DL4 on my laptop with DL5 &amp; the problem in connection and I have managed, again, with DL4 to download files with headers. You can&#039;t open DL4 &amp; DL5 at the same time, but I&#039;m pretty sure I have compared all settings and they are all the same... The solution for now I guess is to use DL4! - Still doesn&#039;t explain why!

You are right, as you are connected using a modem you can find the equivalent of "advanced settings" for the serial/network connection on the "Connections" > "Properties" > "Modem" > "Site Details" section.


Ops, You are right, as you are connected using a modem you can find the equivalent of &quot;advanced settings&quot; for the serial/network connection on the &quot;Connections&quot; &gt; &quot;Properties&quot; &gt; &quot;Modem&quot; &gt; &quot;Site Details&quot; section. Bye

Hi Teo,

Yes all those settings are the same. I have tested on two laptops now, & It seems that with DeLogger Pro 5 I do not get the headers returned, and DLR files are useless.

My DT85 is still running 6.18 (partially due to the remote installation), perhaps this has something to do with it?

The brief time I had standing next to the device I tried upgrading the firmware, but the modem connection wouldn't fully works afterwards (see some of my previous posts for the symptoms) and I was running out of time, so I downgraded again to the point where I knew I could both program & Unload data via the remote GSM link i.e. Firmware version 6.18.

I am not categorically stating that Firmware 7 will not work, but I didn't have time to get it to work.


Hi Teo, Yes all those settings are the same. I have tested on two laptops now, &amp; It seems that with DeLogger Pro 5 I do not get the headers returned, and DLR files are useless. My DT85 is still running 6.18 (partially due to the remote installation), perhaps this has something to do with it? The brief time I had standing next to the device I tried upgrading the firmware, but the modem connection wouldn&#039;t fully works afterwards (see some of my previous posts for the symptoms) and I was running out of time, so I downgraded again to the point where I knew I could both program &amp; Unload data via the remote GSM link i.e. Firmware version 6.18. I am not categorically stating that Firmware 7 will not work, but I didn&#039;t have time to get it to work. Gareth

Hello Chaps,

I just thought I would let everyone know how I got on...

I visited the installation and found that I had a problem with the unit itself - it was not getting signal to start logging (my program was dependent on a Digital State) so therefore was not recording any data... However, upon uninstalling DL5 and using DL4 again all of my connection issues were fixed. - I guess DL5 & 6.18 Firmware don't get along?! smile

Thanks for all your help on here.


Hello Chaps, I just thought I would let everyone know how I got on... I visited the installation and found that I had a problem with the unit itself - it was not getting signal to start logging (my program was dependent on a Digital State) so therefore was not recording any data... However, upon uninstalling DL5 and using DL4 again all of my connection issues were fixed. - I guess DL5 &amp; 6.18 Firmware don&#039;t get along?! :smile: Thanks for all your help on here. Gareth.

Good morning Gareth,

There shouldn't be any problems withe DeLogger5 working with older firmware. We do recommend you use the latest firmware. Could you please send me your program so we can do some testing?


Good morning Gareth, There shouldn&#039;t be any problems withe DeLogger5 working with older firmware. We do recommend you use the latest firmware. Could you please send me your program so we can do some testing? Cheers, Roger
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