Hi Roger,
I asked your help in logging weather data for a wind turbine back in May. Now I would like to add serial functionality to send this data to a microcontroller and receive the value of the turbines speed in return.
The returned value should be also be displayed as "main shaft speed" on the LCD screen I have tried to use the following code to achieve this but as yet no luck. I ca
Hello again,
I'm working on a project where the client wants an always active Ethernet connection, but without access to AC power. (Different project to the last one).
This is a weather station, which will be logging every five minutes, but I'd like if possible to also have the wind speed sensor do three second rolling gust calculations as shown in the FAQ example.
If this is too p
Is it possible to use scaling factors for currents? I'm reading in eight different current loops from a DT85, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to output my data in the proper units.
There's an example in the manual that suggests I can use scaling just as I would with voltage, but wouldn't that cause it to be read as an external shunt resistance?
Hi all,
I flew down to another one of my companies section as they were having a problem with a DT80 setup there and that the agent that installed it cannot fix it.
It consists of the DT80 connected to a computer Via USB. The computer has an application written with LabView that draws graphs from the information from the datataker. The problem I saw was that the application was not comm
Hello all,
I'm in the process of trying to set up a program that reads in pressures and resistances. It has digital inputs that trigger counters. It also has an alarm that triggers when the test goes out of a certain resistance range for a certain amount of time.
Basically, I only want the resistance alarm to trigger once during the entire test (not every time it makes a false-true tran
I have a RS232 sensor, I must send a 11 11 72 65 61 6C 2C 0D 00 (Hex) to sensor, because I couldn't type "Device Control 1 (oft. XON)" and "carriage return (CR)" in ASCII, 11 in Hex is "Device Control 1(oft. XON)",0D is "carriage return (CR)", 72 65 61 6C 2C 0D is real.
Because this, I can only send it with hex as the above. I have test it use my computer's RS232 port, and it works.
I have a DT80 series 2 which I need to drive 8 relays with the digital outputs upon alarms. There is no problem with 1-4 DSO but I have tried to use 5-8 DSO with as suggested in the manual a transistor wired into the circuit.
The following is the result i get, the relay continues to switch on then off every time the DT80 samples. If the alarm conditions are meet the relay functions
I have to reprogram a DT80 with ver7 SW remotely, I won't be there so are going to send up the new program on a USB stick in a oninsert.dxc file in the root.
What I need to happen is that the new job replace the existing and become the default job on reset/ power cycle.
Many Thanks,
Will this work:
'Declare Scaling Spans for Sensors
' Span[span number
Hi Guys
Do you have any experience with this? What modem you use? I am worried that even in 3G network, accessing DT80 embedded webpage would be too bandwidth intensive. Your thoughts?
Advance thanks.
I have a DT80 that I have been using to take voltage measurements. I set the polling rate to be 5 milliseconds. For about a week or so, I had been able to collect my data at that rate.
Since then, however, it has been collecting at a slower rate. I didn't notice anything odd in my set-up between the period of good rate and the period of bad. I've also tried a factory reset with n
Could anyone please assist me on how i can program the data logger DT80 to be able to switch on two relays at 30 seconds interval and then repeat the measurements after every ten minutes.
I want to use DT82E for data acquisition. My sensor support SDI-12 v.1.3 and have two registers set for aM! & aC! commands. Needed data returned only with aM9! command, but your logger uses aC! command as default. How can I switch it to use aM!?
Thanks in advance.
Hope you can help, sure this must be quite straightforward but this is our first DT80 and I spent all day yesterday going round in circles! We have managed to program the unit in dEX to record and log pressures from 4 submersible transducers and two temperature sensors on the analog inputs.
There are two flow meters recording extracted and returned water to the geothermal bores whic
We are having what seems like the same trouble with two DT80's running Version 8.08.0001. It seems as though once they have been set to use Auto IP addressing, we can't get them set back to a static IP.
One was running fine with a static IP, either communicating using telnet by Ethernet to a terminal emulator program on my PC or communicating by serial port.
It reported temperatures all
I'm trying to set the internal clock of the DT80 via a GPS using the code found here http://www.datataker.com/show.aspx?page=/ContentAUS/Manufacturing-Processing/Industrial-Loggers/DataTaker/DataTaker-FAQ/Program-Code/DT80-Range-Code.html: Updating DT80 range time from GPS, so far when ever i run the code i receive the error "DT80> dataTaker 80 E89 - Serial sensor receive timeout at control s
I use DT80 data taker, SDI12 sensor is read in one decimal places. Can it be read in two or three decimal places? If it can, can someone show how it done or the command?
I've used two dataTaker after some months. I've bought a new 6V battery (3.3 V is ok), I've connected current transformer, I've set DT80 each 5s and I've started my datalogging.
I've seen immediately a strange battery's discharge (supplied by external current transformer) and, after few hour, datalogging stopped because level internal battery went down to 5,5V.
So I've connecte
I'm using some displacement transducer 25 mm (http://www.minor-tech.com/list.asp?id=1888) conductive plastic track inside made. I think i have to connect them to my DT80 as BGI (3 wire bridge - constant current excitation), so I've put a jumper between "*" e "+", after I've connected the brown cable to "+" the blue cable at "-" and black cable at "#".
I've set internal supply as "II
I want to connect one DT80 to two output. first to computer and second to radio. the question is how to push the data from the data taker DT80 using computer to radio, it is possible?
Is it using the unload command "U"? The computer is using Ethernet port and the radio using RS-232 port.
Hello everyone,
I am starting my experience with acquisition systems and, in particular, with dataTaker products, but I'm having some difficulties.
My main goal is to assemble a monitoring system using Carlson strain meters, thermometers and a joint foundation meter and I am using the DT85G Series 2 for this purpose. I believe DT85G Series2 is capable of measuring the resistance changes