Bug Reports
"E10 : Command error at line" after startup

I have a DT80 with 9.20 firmware that have lost it configuration at the 21/08/2023. The configuration waw installed since the 31/05/23 and running correctly until now.

Note : The DT80 was continuously running since the 25/07/2023 (4weeks), without electrical shutdown.

Here is the extract from the service.log

EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:46,0.096435,"Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON (c0a00005)"
EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:46,0.435546,"Beginning entry of job "CONFIG""
EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:50,0.788696,"Loaded job "CONFIG""
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:16,0.657470,"Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON (c0a00005)"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:16,0.984497,"Beginning entry of job "CONFIG""
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.203247,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 61 col 35 [ NABLE='NO'<err> ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.269531,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 68 col 20 [ TPTIMEOUT=<err>'2S' ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.322875,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 71 col 34 [ RRENT_JOB'<err> ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.374267,"E10 - Command error at line 73 col 2 [ P<err>OFILE STA ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.426635,"E10 - Command error at line 73 col 9 [ POFILE <err>STARTUP MA ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.476196,"E10 - Command error at line 73 col 17 [ E STARTUP <err>MAINTAIN_V ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.524291,"E10 - Command error at line 74 col 1 [ <err>PROFIL UN ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.569580,"E37 - No current job"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.618652,"E10 - Command error at line 74 col 16 [ L UNLOAD <err>FTP_RETRIE ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.669311,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 76 col 16 [ LE D SPLAY<err> AUTOSCROL ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.753540,"E37 - No current job"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.807250,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 79 col 43 [ ZE='16384'<err> ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.856323,"E10 - Command error at line 80 col 1 [ <err>@ROFILE FU ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.924560,"E12 - Channel list error at line 80 col 20 [ UNCTION F1<err>_LABEL='' ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.979980,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 83 col 31 [ COMMAND=''<err> ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.033325,"E10 - Command error at line 85 col 1 [ <err>PROFALE FU ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.103027,"E12 - Channel list error at line 85 col 20 [ UNCTION F3<err>_COMMAND=' ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.277954,"E10 - Command error at line 129 col 1 [ <err>PRGFILE PA ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.327026,"E10 - Command error at line 129 col 9 [ PRGFILE <err>PARAMETERS ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.374755,"E8 - Parameter read/set error at line 129 col 24 [ ETERS P21=<err>'1' ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.426269,"E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 130 col 28 [ S P22='32'<err> ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.602050,"E10 - Command error at line 131 col 9 [ PROFILE <err>@ARAMETERS ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.650268,"E8 - Parameter read/set error at line 131 col 24 [ ETERS P24=<err>'13' ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.718383,"E10 - Command error at line 139 col 1 [ <err>PROFALE PA ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.769897,"E10 - Command error at line 139 col 9 [ PROFALE <err>PARAMETERS ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.816894,"E8 - Parameter read/set error at line 139 col 24 [ ETERS P38=<err>'46' ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:19,0.043579,"E10 - Command error at line 143 col 24 [ ETERS P50=<err>'1 ]"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:21,0.168945,"Job cleared"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,10:52:58,0.278808,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,10:59:55,0.216430,"Beginning entry of job "CONFIG""
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:00:09,0.904174,"E116 - Cannot log: job 'CONFIG' has existing data/alarms"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:00:10,0.120239,"Job cleared"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:00:25,0.587524,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:12:59,0.031494,"Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON (c0a00005)"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:16:34,0.536254,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:32:22,0.668090,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:33:09,0.045166,"Beginning entry of job "CONFIG""
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:33:23,0.611206,"E116 - Cannot log: job 'CONFIG' has existing data/alarms"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:33:23,0.826416,"Job cleared"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:44:24,0.207763,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:47:59,0.036132,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:58:31,0.922119,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:01:01,0.179687,"E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:14:56,0.449096,"Beginning entry of job "CONFIG""
EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:15:11,0.339599,"E116 - Cannot log: job 'CONFIG' has existing data/alarms"
EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:15:11,0.695190,"Job cleared"

It seems that the configuration file was corrupted in some way during the functionning of the DT80.

What is the cause of this and how to prevent it?



Hi, I have a DT80 with 9.20 firmware that have lost it configuration at the 21/08/2023. The configuration waw installed since the 31/05/23 and running correctly until now. Note : The DT80 was continuously running since the 25/07/2023 (4weeks), without electrical shutdown. Here is the extract from the service.log EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:46,0.096435,&quot;Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON (c0a00005)&quot; EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:46,0.435546,&quot;Beginning entry of job &quot;CONFIG&quot;&quot; EVENT ,2023/07/25,07:15:50,0.788696,&quot;Loaded job &quot;CONFIG&quot;&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:16,0.657470,&quot;Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON (c0a00005)&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:16,0.984497,&quot;Beginning entry of job &quot;CONFIG&quot;&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.203247,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 61 col 35 [ NABLE=&#039;NO&#039;&lt;err&gt; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.269531,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 68 col 20 [ TPTIMEOUT=&lt;err&gt;&#039;2S&#039; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.322875,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 71 col 34 [ RRENT_JOB&#039;&lt;err&gt; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.374267,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 73 col 2 [ P&lt;err&gt;OFILE STA ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.426635,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 73 col 9 [ POFILE &lt;err&gt;STARTUP MA ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.476196,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 73 col 17 [ E STARTUP &lt;err&gt;MAINTAIN_V ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.524291,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 74 col 1 [ &lt;err&gt;PROFIL UN ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.569580,&quot;E37 - No current job&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.618652,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 74 col 16 [ L UNLOAD &lt;err&gt;FTP_RETRIE ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.669311,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 76 col 16 [ LE D SPLAY&lt;err&gt; AUTOSCROL ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.753540,&quot;E37 - No current job&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.807250,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 79 col 43 [ ZE=&#039;16384&#039;&lt;err&gt; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.856323,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 80 col 1 [ &lt;err&gt;@ROFILE FU ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.924560,&quot;E12 - Channel list error at line 80 col 20 [ UNCTION F1&lt;err&gt;_LABEL=&#039;&#039; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:17,0.979980,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 83 col 31 [ COMMAND=&#039;&#039;&lt;err&gt; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.033325,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 85 col 1 [ &lt;err&gt;PROFALE FU ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.103027,&quot;E12 - Channel list error at line 85 col 20 [ UNCTION F3&lt;err&gt;_COMMAND=&#039; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.277954,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 129 col 1 [ &lt;err&gt;PRGFILE PA ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.327026,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 129 col 9 [ PRGFILE &lt;err&gt;PARAMETERS ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.374755,&quot;E8 - Parameter read/set error at line 129 col 24 [ ETERS P21=&lt;err&gt;&#039;1&#039; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.426269,&quot;E105 - Invalid PROFILE section/key name at line 130 col 28 [ S P22=&#039;32&#039;&lt;err&gt; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.602050,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 131 col 9 [ PROFILE &lt;err&gt;@ARAMETERS ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.650268,&quot;E8 - Parameter read/set error at line 131 col 24 [ ETERS P24=&lt;err&gt;&#039;13&#039; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.718383,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 139 col 1 [ &lt;err&gt;PROFALE PA ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.769897,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 139 col 9 [ PROFALE &lt;err&gt;PARAMETERS ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:18,0.816894,&quot;E8 - Parameter read/set error at line 139 col 24 [ ETERS P38=&lt;err&gt;&#039;46&#039; ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:19,0.043579,&quot;E10 - Command error at line 143 col 24 [ ETERS P50=&lt;err&gt;&#039;1 ]&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,08:47:21,0.168945,&quot;Job cleared&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,10:52:58,0.278808,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,10:59:55,0.216430,&quot;Beginning entry of job &quot;CONFIG&quot;&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:00:09,0.904174,&quot;E116 - Cannot log: job &#039;CONFIG&#039; has existing data/alarms&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:00:10,0.120239,&quot;Job cleared&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:00:25,0.587524,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:12:59,0.031494,&quot;Reset 9.20.8942 POWERUP/BUTTON (c0a00005)&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:16:34,0.536254,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:32:22,0.668090,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:33:09,0.045166,&quot;Beginning entry of job &quot;CONFIG&quot;&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:33:23,0.611206,&quot;E116 - Cannot log: job &#039;CONFIG&#039; has existing data/alarms&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:33:23,0.826416,&quot;Job cleared&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:44:24,0.207763,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:47:59,0.036132,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,11:58:31,0.922119,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:01:01,0.179687,&quot;E118 - Error accessing drive A: No media&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:14:56,0.449096,&quot;Beginning entry of job &quot;CONFIG&quot;&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:15:11,0.339599,&quot;E116 - Cannot log: job &#039;CONFIG&#039; has existing data/alarms&quot; EVENT ,2023/08/21,12:15:11,0.695190,&quot;Job cleared&quot; It seems that the configuration file was corrupted in some way during the functionning of the DT80. What is the cause of this and how to prevent it? Regards, Theo

Hi Theo,

When you said the logger lost its configuration on 21st August, what and when did you observe? Did the logger stop logging? What about the data, when was the last recorded data?

I am concerned about the failed PROFILE entries, can you send a copy of the program to datataker.support@thermofisher.com?

My guess was another program with the same name sent to the logger. This event will reset the current job and make it dormant.

Best regards,
dataTaker Expert

Hi Theo, When you said the logger lost its configuration on 21st August, what and when did you observe? Did the logger stop logging? What about the data, when was the last recorded data? I am concerned about the failed PROFILE entries, can you send a copy of the program to datataker.support@thermofisher.com? My guess was another program with the same name sent to the logger. This event will reset the current job and make it dormant. Best regards, dataTaker Expert
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