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DT85 series4 Modbus configuration


  1. We have some field instrument signals wired to Yokogawa DCS and want to push those values via Modbus to DT85 and then DT85 will upload on an FTP server to prevent DCS exposure to outside world from Cyber Security perspective. Is it something that is possible using DT85 as a Master?

  2. In some other DT85 we have hardwired signals connected to DT85 and CEM20 modules, data logger is uploading data on hourly basis to an FTP server. Is it possible to get live data on FTP server?


Hi, 1. We have some field instrument signals wired to Yokogawa DCS and want to push those values via Modbus to DT85 and then DT85 will upload on an FTP server to prevent DCS exposure to outside world from Cyber Security perspective. Is it something that is possible using DT85 as a Master? 2. In some other DT85 we have hardwired signals connected to DT85 and CEM20 modules, data logger is uploading data on hourly basis to an FTP server. Is it possible to get live data on FTP server? Thanks, RH
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