I have moved to a new RS485 device that is sending data to a DT80.
In the past I used an RS232 device and it worked correctly.
The issue is with reading the packets of data and storing them into CVs. The old RS232 device used ";+" between the data to break up each value, then it could be stored into separate CVs.
I simply put these in between each serial input command and it worked just fine, (%f[1CV];+%f[2CV];+......).
The new unit uses Tabulation between values and I'm not sure how to enter this into the DT80 to store each one into a different CV.
I have tried a few different methods such as using a space, colon and commas to try to break up the data, to no avail.
I have attached the serial format of the device in question. The Serial Sensor port is also configured at the start of the program for the required settings, (RS485, 38400, N, 8, 1, NOFC).
If you could provide any help that would be greatly appreciated.