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wind measurement

Dear all,

I'm a newbie using this data logger. I have some questions:

How to connect and configure these sensors:

  1. Anemometer (thies wind transmitter compact Part number: 4.3520.10.000)
  2. Wind vane (thies transmitter compact 4.3128.10.000)
  3. Pyranometer (CMP 6 Part number: 7.1415.02.002)
  4. Thies Hygro-thermo (Part number: 1.1005.54.100)
  5. Thies Baro transmitter (B-278-2T)

Thank you.

Regards, Malik

Dear all, I'm a newbie using this data logger. I have some questions: How to connect and configure these sensors: 1. Anemometer (thies wind transmitter compact Part number: 4.3520.10.000) 2. Wind vane (thies transmitter compact 4.3128.10.000) 3. Pyranometer (CMP 6 Part number: 7.1415.02.002) 4. Thies Hygro-thermo (Part number: 1.1005.54.100) 5. Thies Baro transmitter (B-278-2T) Thank you. Regards, Malik

Hi Malik,

Both wind sensors have open collector output, which mean counter channels must be used.
Pyranometer CMP6 and baro transmitter (ID 3.1158.00.075) have voltage output and hygrothermo transmitter (i believe the id is 1.1005.54.000) has two outputs (PT100 and voltage).
You may use four correspondence channels to read those parameters (3 voltage channels and 1 PT100 channel).

Best regards,
Rudy Gunawan

Hi Malik, Both wind sensors have open collector output, which mean counter channels must be used. Pyranometer CMP6 and baro transmitter (ID 3.1158.00.075) have voltage output and hygrothermo transmitter (i believe the id is 1.1005.54.000) has two outputs (PT100 and voltage). You may use four correspondence channels to read those parameters (3 voltage channels and 1 PT100 channel). Best regards, Rudy Gunawan
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