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How do you turn off the relay for a DT80?

Hello! I am a newbie to both using the DT80 and Labview. I am currently taking data from a DT80 using Labview, and from my understanding the DT80 is interpreted as a TCP. My question is: is there a way to turn off the relay from Labview via some switch? Even after the data run is stopped, it continues to scan as evidenced by a really annoying clicking sound that turns on when I start the code for the first time and doesn't turn off until I turn the machine itself off. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Hello! I am a newbie to both using the DT80 and Labview. I am currently taking data from a DT80 using Labview, and from my understanding the DT80 is interpreted as a TCP. My question is: is there a way to turn off the relay from Labview via some switch? Even after the data run is stopped, it continues to scan as evidenced by a really annoying clicking sound that turns on when I start the code for the first time and doesn't turn off until I turn the machine itself off. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Send H and carriage return to stop a program from running
Send G and a carriage return to start again



Send H and carriage return to stop a program from running Send G and a carriage return to start again Cheers Roger
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