Good morning M.V. Tehrani,
Types of LVDT's
The DT80 Range loggers, of which the DT85g is one of the family, can support any LVDT with a DC Voltage output.
Connecting LVDT's
Connect the signal +/- to either the +/- or */# terminals on the DT80
For more details please refer to the DT80 manual in the section on Voltage measurements.
If the output of the LVDT is over 3 VDC (Most are +/- 10 VDC) then you will have to select the High Voltage (HV) channel type. In DeLogger under "Signal" select Voltage, "Type" select HV (High Voltage), In "Wiring" select the configuration that matches the wiring you used to connect the LVDT and also select the channel number.
LVDT Excitation.
You will need to provide an external power supply for you LVDT's
Range of LVDT.
The range doesn't matter to the dataTaker, It simple measures a Voltage which you can then scale to engineering units.
For example if you have an LVTD that has a range of +/- 100 mm and an output of +/- 10 VDC then;
In DeLogger to define a span click on the "Scaling" tab, In the Type column select "Span" In "Physical 1" enter -100, in "Physical 2" enter 100, In "Signal 1" enter -10, in "Signal 2" enter 10 and in the "Text (units)" enter mm
Then go to the schedule you are using to read the LVDT output. In "Signal" select Voltage, In "Type" select HV, in "Wiring" Select the wiring connection and channel number you are using.
To apply the span go to the "Scaling" column and click in the cell on the row you are using and Select the span you have just defined e.g S1.
Good morning M.V. Tehrani,
1. Types of LVDT's
The DT80 Range loggers, of which the DT85g is one of the family, can support any LVDT with a DC Voltage output.
2. Connecting LVDT's
Connect the signal +/- to either the +/- or */# terminals on the DT80
For more details please refer to the DT80 manual in the section on Voltage measurements.
If the output of the LVDT is over 3 VDC (Most are +/- 10 VDC) then you will have to select the High Voltage (HV) channel type. In DeLogger under "Signal" select Voltage, "Type" select HV (High Voltage), In "Wiring" select the configuration that matches the wiring you used to connect the LVDT and also select the channel number.
3. LVDT Excitation.
You will need to provide an external power supply for you LVDT's
4. Range of LVDT.
The range doesn't matter to the dataTaker, It simple measures a Voltage which you can then scale to engineering units.
For example if you have an LVTD that has a range of +/- 100 mm and an output of +/- 10 VDC then;
In DeLogger to define a span click on the "Scaling" tab, In the Type column select "Span" In "Physical 1" enter -100, in "Physical 2" enter 100, In "Signal 1" enter -10, in "Signal 2" enter 10 and in the "Text (units)" enter mm
Then go to the schedule you are using to read the LVDT output. In "Signal" select Voltage, In "Type" select HV, in "Wiring" Select the wiring connection and channel number you are using.
To apply the span go to the "Scaling" column and click in the cell on the row you are using and Select the span you have just defined e.g S1. :smile: