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DT80 is not liking sending program as a RESET job

Hi Roger,

I find that when you load new programs into a DT80/85 as a reset job the logger does not like the changes, even a minor ones.

I keep getting old data errors and invalid profile errors. It's driving me nuts. I keep having to upgrade the firmware. This time even that's not working. Here is the program I'm using and below that is a cut and past of what is coming up in the view errors window.

I've done firmware reset, cleared all jobs, data and alarms, removed ONRESET and .ini. I've cleared ALL logs, datahub channels and database sessions, cleared all form view, mimic windows etc.

I cannot format the disk as I get "command error at column 1[<err>CARDCLEAR]". if I use the Clear feature on the dataTaker menu in Delogger and I also can't format using the Text window (get a similar error).

Am I missing something obvious here?

Appreciate any help.

'COMPILED=2009/03/16 06:01:57 
'Spans and polynomial declarations 
'Thermistor declarations 
'Switches declarations 
'Parameter declarations 
'Global declarations 
'schedule definition 
RA("B:",ALARMS:OV:100KB,Welcome to the dataTaker program builder. This should be general information Use the RMB for more options:1MB)6S LOGONA GA 
1*L(S1,"Flow rate",md1000,NL,ND,=20CV) 
ALARMR(20CV("Flow zero")<0.0000){[1CV=0]} 
ALARMR(20CV("FLOW NON ZERO")>0.0010){[1CV=20CV]} 
1CV("Flow rate l/s",NL,AV) 
2CV("Hourly flow m3",NL)=2CV+(1CV*0.006) 
3CV("Daily flow m3",NL)=3CV+(1CV*0.006) 
4CV("Flow Totaliser m3",NL)=4CV+(1CV*0.006) 
1DS(S2,"Surcharge state",NL,=50CV) 
10CV("Ver 1.2",NL)=0-10CV 
ALARM(50CV("SE4 alarm set")>0.5000/12S){[Q /e/h/r/Z/m]} 
ALARM(50CV("SE4 alarm message")>0.5000/12S)"ET-SMS=0|SE4 SURCHARGED|0879539981|30^M" 
ALARM(77CV("sampling on")>0.5000)1RELAY,1WARN 
ALARM(77CV("sampling off")>0.5000/2M){[77CV=0]} 
'schedule definition 
2CV("Hourly flow m3",NR,ND) 
3CV("Daily flow m3",NR,ND) 
4CV("Flow Totaliser m3",NR,ND) 
'schedule definition 
ALARMR(2CV("ZERO HOURLY")>0.0000){[2CV=0]} 
'schedule definition RD("B:",ALARMS:OV:100KB,DATA:OV:1MB)1D LOGOND GD 
ALARMR(3CV("ZERO DAILY")>0.0000){[3CV=0]} 
'schedule definition 
1DS("Surcharge state",NR,ND) 
'schedule definition 
77CV("Set sampler for 24H",W)=1 
'end of program file 

Error    Site    Text 105    
dt8x Com1    Invalid PROFILE section/key name at column 53 [ _OLD_DATA'<err> ] 32    
dt8x Com1    Job not found at column 20 [ ESET'BOCG'<err> ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 14 col 2 [ U<err>SE THE RMB ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 14 col 5 [ USE <err>THE RMB FO ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 14 col 9 [ USE THE <err>RMB FOR MO ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 14 col 13 [ E THE RMB <err>FOR MORE O ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 14 col 17 [ E RMB FOR <err>MORE OPTIO ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 14 col 22 [ FOR MORE <err>OPTIONS:1M ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 13 col 1 [ <err>THIS SHOUL ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 13 col 6 [ THIS <err>SHOULD BE ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 13 col 13 [ IS SHOULD <err>BE GENERAL ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 13 col 18 [ OULD BE GE<err>NERAL INFO ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 13 col 24 [ E GENERAL <err>INFORMATIO ] 113    
dt8x Com1    Schedule option error at line 12 col 32 [ KB,WELCOME<err> TO THE DA ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 12 col 33 [ B,WELCOME <err>TO THE DAT ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 12 col 36 [ ELCOME TO <err>THE DATATA ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 12 col 40 [ ME TO THE <err>DATATAKER ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 12 col 50 [ DATATAKER <err>PROGRAM BU ] 10    
dt8x Com1    Command error at line 12 col 58 [ R PROGRAM <err>BUILDER. ]
Hi Roger, I find that when you load new programs into a DT80/85 as a reset job the logger does not like the changes, even a minor ones. I keep getting old data errors and invalid profile errors. It&#039;s driving me nuts. I keep having to upgrade the firmware. This time even that&#039;s not working. Here is the program I&#039;m using and below that is a cut and past of what is coming up in the view errors window. I&#039;ve done firmware reset, cleared all jobs, data and alarms, removed ONRESET and .ini. I&#039;ve cleared ALL logs, datahub channels and database sessions, cleared all form view, mimic windows etc. I cannot format the disk as I get _**&quot;command error at column 1[&lt;err&gt;CARDCLEAR]&quot;**_. if I use the Clear feature on the dataTaker menu in Delogger and I also can&#039;t format using the Text window (get a similar error). Am I missing something obvious here? Appreciate any help. Chris ```` &#039;JOB=BOCG &#039;COMPILED=2009/03/16 06:01:57 &#039;TYPE=dt80 DT=\d BEGIN&quot;BOCG&quot; CATTN &#039;Spans and polynomial declarations S1=0,41.767,0,100&quot;l/s&quot; S2=1,0,0,1&quot;STATE&quot; &#039;Thermistor declarations &#039;Switches declarations &#039;Parameter declarations &#039;Global declarations RS1S &#039;schedule definition RA(&quot;B:&quot;,ALARMS:OV:100KB,Welcome to the dataTaker program builder. This should be general information Use the RMB for more options:1MB)6S LOGONA GA 1*L(S1,&quot;Flow rate&quot;,md1000,NL,ND,=20CV) ALARMR(20CV(&quot;Flow zero&quot;)&lt;0.0000){[1CV=0]} ALARMR(20CV(&quot;FLOW NON ZERO&quot;)&gt;0.0010){[1CV=20CV]} 1CV(&quot;Flow rate l/s&quot;,NL,AV) 2CV(&quot;Hourly flow m3&quot;,NL)=2CV+(1CV*0.006) 3CV(&quot;Daily flow m3&quot;,NL)=3CV+(1CV*0.006) 4CV(&quot;Flow Totaliser m3&quot;,NL)=4CV+(1CV*0.006) 1DS(S2,&quot;Surcharge state&quot;,NL,=50CV) 10CV(&quot;Ver 1.2&quot;,NL)=0-10CV ALARM(50CV(&quot;SE4 alarm set&quot;)&gt;0.5000/12S){[Q /e/h/r/Z/m]} ALARM(50CV(&quot;SE4 alarm message&quot;)&gt;0.5000/12S)&quot;ET-SMS=0|SE4 SURCHARGED|0879539981|30^M&quot; ALARM(77CV(&quot;sampling on&quot;)&gt;0.5000)1RELAY,1WARN ALARM(77CV(&quot;sampling off&quot;)&gt;0.5000/2M){[77CV=0]} &#039;schedule definition RB(&quot;B:&quot;,ALARMS:OV:100KB,DATA:OV:1MB)30M LOGONB GB 1CV(&quot;FLOW AVE L/S&quot;,NR,ND) 2CV(&quot;Hourly flow m3&quot;,NR,ND) 3CV(&quot;Daily flow m3&quot;,NR,ND) 4CV(&quot;Flow Totaliser m3&quot;,NR,ND) &#039;schedule definition RC(&quot;B:&quot;,ALARMS:OV:100KB,DATA:OV:1MB)1H LOGONC GC ALARMR(2CV(&quot;ZERO HOURLY&quot;)&gt;0.0000){[2CV=0]} &#039;schedule definition RD(&quot;B:&quot;,ALARMS:OV:100KB,DATA:OV:1MB)1D LOGOND GD ALARMR(3CV(&quot;ZERO DAILY&quot;)&gt;0.0000){[3CV=0]} &#039;schedule definition RE(&quot;B:&quot;,ALARMS:OV:100KB,DATA:OV:1MB)1E LOGONE GE 1DS(&quot;Surcharge state&quot;,NR,ND) &#039;schedule definition RX(&quot;B:&quot;,ALARMS:OV:100KB,DATA:OV:1MB)X LOGONX 77CV(&quot;Set sampler for 24H&quot;,W)=1 END &#039;end of program file Error Site Text 105 dt8x Com1 Invalid PROFILE section/key name at column 53 [ _OLD_DATA&#039;&lt;err&gt; ] 32 dt8x Com1 Job not found at column 20 [ ESET&#039;BOCG&#039;&lt;err&gt; ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 14 col 2 [ U&lt;err&gt;SE THE RMB ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 14 col 5 [ USE &lt;err&gt;THE RMB FO ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 14 col 9 [ USE THE &lt;err&gt;RMB FOR MO ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 14 col 13 [ E THE RMB &lt;err&gt;FOR MORE O ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 14 col 17 [ E RMB FOR &lt;err&gt;MORE OPTIO ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 14 col 22 [ FOR MORE &lt;err&gt;OPTIONS:1M ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 13 col 1 [ &lt;err&gt;THIS SHOUL ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 13 col 6 [ THIS &lt;err&gt;SHOULD BE ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 13 col 13 [ IS SHOULD &lt;err&gt;BE GENERAL ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 13 col 18 [ OULD BE GE&lt;err&gt;NERAL INFO ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 13 col 24 [ E GENERAL &lt;err&gt;INFORMATIO ] 113 dt8x Com1 Schedule option error at line 12 col 32 [ KB,WELCOME&lt;err&gt; TO THE DA ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 12 col 33 [ B,WELCOME &lt;err&gt;TO THE DAT ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 12 col 36 [ ELCOME TO &lt;err&gt;THE DATATA ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 12 col 40 [ ME TO THE &lt;err&gt;DATATAKER ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 12 col 50 [ DATATAKER &lt;err&gt;PROGRAM BU ] 10 dt8x Com1 Command error at line 12 col 58 [ R PROGRAM &lt;err&gt;BUILDER. ] ````


I've tried DELONRESET and now when I try to send the program to a connection I'm getting a window called DT80CB with a message in it saying "Access to Prog2.gc80 was denied".

I'm wondering where my hammer is!!


Roger, I&#039;ve tried DELONRESET and now when I try to send the program to a connection I&#039;m getting a window called DT80CB with a message in it saying &quot;Access to Prog2.gc80 was denied&quot;. I&#039;m wondering where my hammer is!! Regards, Chris

Hi Chris

Part of the problem is to do with Delogger. It can sometimes creates text that should not be in the program

If you go into the options tab and make a change and OK. You should find that you are able to send the program to the logger


Hi Chris Part of the problem is to do with Delogger. It can sometimes creates text that should not be in the program If you go into the options tab and make a change and OK. You should find that you are able to send the program to the logger Mark

Thanks for the reply Mark,

The problem is not with error code or extra characters generated by Delogger (although your correct I have seen this before).

This problem is with the logger not deleting all the files/data from a project/ program. Although I have manually deleted everything. The logger seems to think it still has a program inside.

The only solution is to reload the original program and then modify it bit by bit until it is transformed into the program you want. If you do too much (like add new schedules) or add too many new lines of code in a schedule then the logger will not accept the program when it's uploaded. GOD KNOWS WHY!!!.

But it's definitely not the program code. Since the original program would reload but if I changed just the job name the same program would not load. I'm using V7.04 which is up to date. Only thing that might be causing a problem is my machine runs Windows Vista which was developed by the devil from plans drawn up by Hitler.

I'm sorted for now. But this has happened before. I'm having a problem formatting disks as well. I think it may be the same problem. Next time this happens I'm going to pull the CF card and look at it on a PC to see what's still there and do a check disk.

As a by the way the "using SMSX modem with DT800 range of dataTaker data loggers" document (UM-0081-A0) tells you how to modify the termination characters in DeLogger. PAGE 5 section 4.1.2.

I'm using DeLogger 5 on Vista and the registry edit described is for a directory and Key that do not exist. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Discbell\DeLogger\dt800\Session Terminate Tapi Direct. Perhaps engineering can amend this document or advise of the correct method to modify the termination characters.


Thanks for the reply Mark, The problem is not with error code or extra characters generated by Delogger (although your correct I have seen this before). This problem is with the logger not deleting all the files/data from a project/ program. Although I have manually deleted everything. The logger seems to think it still has a program inside. The only solution is to reload the original program and then modify it bit by bit until it is transformed into the program you want. If you do too much (like add new schedules) or add too many new lines of code in a schedule then the logger will not accept the program when it&#039;s uploaded. GOD KNOWS WHY!!!. But it&#039;s definitely not the program code. Since the original program would reload but if I changed just the job name the same program would not load. I&#039;m using V7.04 which is up to date. Only thing that might be causing a problem is my machine runs Windows Vista which was developed by the devil from plans drawn up by Hitler. I&#039;m sorted for now. But this has happened before. I&#039;m having a problem formatting disks as well. I think it may be the same problem. Next time this happens I&#039;m going to pull the CF card and look at it on a PC to see what&#039;s still there and do a check disk. As a by the way the **&quot;using SMSX modem with DT800 range of dataTaker data loggers&quot;** document (UM-0081-A0) tells you how to modify the termination characters in DeLogger. PAGE 5 section 4.1.2. I&#039;m using DeLogger 5 on Vista and the registry edit described is for a directory and Key that do not exist. **HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Discbell\DeLogger\dt800\Session Terminate Tapi Direct**. Perhaps engineering can amend this document or advise of the correct method to modify the termination characters. Regards, Chris

So does the "destructive" command FORMAT"B:"DELETEALL solve the problem?
As you probably know the command description / alerts:

Deletes all files from the internal flash drive and re-creates the file system. This command would normally only ever be used if the DT80's internal compact flash card was replaced.

After executing this command it will be necessary to repeat the firmware upgrade process in order to re-install system files (e.g. for the web interface) onto the internal flash drive. Other than this I would suppose in a defective USB flash card.

So does the &quot;destructive&quot; command FORMAT&quot;B:&quot;DELETEALL solve the problem? As you probably know the command description / alerts: Deletes all files from the internal flash drive and re-creates the file system. This command would normally only ever be used if the DT80&#039;s internal compact flash card was replaced. After executing this command it will be necessary to repeat the firmware upgrade process in order to re-install system files (e.g. for the web interface) onto the internal flash drive. Other than this I would suppose in a defective USB flash card.

Hi Guys,

Deep breaths now as we quietly contemplate our navels....

It looks like the profile has got some junk in it. Not seen that one before
Ok to blat the profile use the command DELUSERINI. To clear out old programs and data files use DELALLJOBS and DELONRESET to clear any reset jobs.

Then do a FACTORYDEFAULTS and the logger will reset to the as shipped condition. SERVICEDATA command will run a check on the logger that includes a check disk for cross linked files.

There is always the FORMAT"B" DELETEALL but this will also wipe out the web server pages, online help, manuals etc.


Hi Guys, Deep breaths now as we quietly contemplate our navels.... It looks like the profile has got some junk in it. Not seen that one before Ok to blat the profile use the command DELUSERINI. To clear out old programs and data files use DELALLJOBS and DELONRESET to clear any reset jobs. Then do a FACTORYDEFAULTS and the logger will reset to the as shipped condition. SERVICEDATA command will run a check on the logger that includes a check disk for cross linked files. There is always the FORMAT&quot;B&quot; DELETEALL but this will also wipe out the web server pages, online help, manuals etc. Cheers, Roger

Hi Chris, Roget et al,

I have come across this problem on several occasions - it caused me a lot of headaches, using Delogger 5 with DT85. I tried formatting the logger, resetting to factory defaults etc, but nothing fixed it.

As far as I can tell, transferring a program to the logger using the "Send to connection and save as RESET job" option doesn't work reliably. The profile gets corrupted along the way or something - I had exactly the same Profile error ("...[ _OLD_DATA'<err> ]") as Chris.

However, if you just transfer the program to the logger without setting it as the reset job, it works just fine, every time. Simple. You just have to manually set the RUNJOBONRESET to the program you just uploaded, a quick SINGLEPUSH reset to make sure it works, and everything is fine.

As an aside, dataTaker are definitely aware of this problem. I originally posted about it last year here, and had a subsequent email conversation with them which included the following:

one of the earlier problems you reported related to DeLogger sending the command PROFILE"JOB_SETTINGS","JOB_REDEFINE"="KEEP_OLD_DATA"
The DT80 rejects this and returns an error. This command is sent if you use the Program -> Send to connection and save as RESET job menu option.
You can workaround this issue if you use the Program->Send to connection menu option instead and then use the datataker->job to run on hard reset... menu option to make the job the "onreset" job.

Roger please drop me an email if you would like more background on this.


Hi Chris, Roget et al, I have come across this problem on several occasions - it caused me a lot of headaches, using Delogger 5 with DT85. I tried formatting the logger, resetting to factory defaults etc, but nothing fixed it. As far as I can tell, transferring a program to the logger using the &quot;Send to connection and save as RESET job&quot; option doesn&#039;t work reliably. The profile gets corrupted along the way or something - I had exactly the same Profile error (&quot;...[ _OLD_DATA&#039;&lt;err&gt; ]&quot;) as Chris. However, if you just transfer the program to the logger without setting it as the reset job, it works just fine, every time. Simple. You just have to manually set the RUNJOBONRESET to the program you just uploaded, a quick SINGLEPUSH reset to make sure it works, and everything is fine. As an aside, dataTaker are definitely aware of this problem. I originally posted about it last year here, and had a subsequent email conversation with them which included the following: one of the earlier problems you reported related to DeLogger sending the command PROFILE&quot;JOB_SETTINGS&quot;,&quot;JOB_REDEFINE&quot;=&quot;KEEP_OLD_DATA&quot; The DT80 rejects this and returns an error. This command is sent if you use the Program -&gt; Send to connection and save as RESET job menu option. You can workaround this issue if you use the Program-&gt;Send to connection menu option instead and then use the datataker-&gt;job to run on hard reset... menu option to make the job the &quot;onreset&quot; job. Roger please drop me an email if you would like more background on this. Regards, Robin

Hi Robin,

Can you pleas email me the details? We haven't been able to replicate the problem here so it's going to be tricky to find and fix.


Hi Robin, Can you pleas email me the details? We haven&#039;t been able to replicate the problem here so it&#039;s going to be tricky to find and fix. Cheers, Roger

mmmh why does Delogger send out this "indigestible" command to DT80 on "Send to connection and save as reset job" operation. I found this on a customer project receive text dump recently and I verify this now.

Does this may be the source of profile corruption as Robin says or it's harmless?
Please Roger explain smile

```` PROFILE&quot;JOB_SETTINGS&quot;,&quot;JOB_REDEFINE&quot;=&quot;KEEP_OLD_DATA&quot; ```` mmmh why does Delogger send out this &quot;indigestible&quot; command to DT80 on &quot;Send to connection and save as reset job&quot; operation. I found this on a customer project receive text dump recently and I verify this now. Does this may be the source of profile corruption as Robin says or it&#039;s harmless? Please Roger explain :smile:

Hi Teo and all,

I don't know what is happening here. We have not been able to replicate the problem in our testing here. Could you please forward me via email what is happening, what you were doing with DeLogger on the lead up to this problem occurring and details of the computer you are using.

I need to put a case to engineering.


Hi Teo and all, I don&#039;t know what is happening here. We have not been able to replicate the problem in our testing here. Could you please forward me via email what is happening, what you were doing with DeLogger on the lead up to this problem occurring and details of the computer you are using. I need to put a case to engineering. Cheers, Roger

Hi Guys,

Ok, I've finally been able to replicate this problem. It occurs when you use the DT800 program builder and send the program to a DT80.

The code for the DT80 is different to that of the DT800. While you will get profile errors the code will load and run. I'll chat to engineering to see what we can do.


Hi Guys, Ok, I&#039;ve finally been able to replicate this problem. It occurs when you use the DT800 program builder and send the program to a DT80. The code for the DT80 is different to that of the DT800. While you will get profile errors the code will load and run. I&#039;ll chat to engineering to see what we can do. Cheers, Roger
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