I have a DT85 set up that monitors four separate temperatures using 1/8" Diameter Type K thermocouples. The logger is set up a couple of meters away from the thermocouples and I usually leave my laptop connected to the data logger to display a real time graph of the temperatures during experimental runs.
I encountered a problem today involving interference of the thermocouple signals to the datalogger. I was finding that the temperatures were 10 - 20 degC lower than the expected temperature which was further verified using two other thermocouple readers (Fluke and Dick Smith) which displayed the correct value.
I found the problem to be the power cord of my laptop. When it was plugged into the AC the temperature dropped 20 degC instantaneously and returned to the correct value when I removed the cord.
Is there anyway I can shield the datalogger from this signal or is it simply the matter of not plugging my laptop into the power during experimental runs???