Good morning Bodson,
Over write or append
The FTP will over write existing files. Appending data with FTP depends on the capability of the server receiving the data. Most FTP sites don't have the capability of appending data to files and there is no way for DT80 to test if the FTP site has the capability.
New data
You can end up with duplicate data. The way you are using the unload command you will always unload the entire file.
You can use the time and date unload U(9:05;23,2010/03/30)(End) to unload from a specific times and date. You can also use channel variables in the time and date to keep track of the time / date of the last unload and use that in as the start in the next unload, e.g:
2CV=1CV '2CV = Time of last unload
T(=1CV) '1CV = Time of this unload
DO{U(2CV,0)} 'Unload data since last unload
Syntax error, the format is:
UC ""
Please check the syntax is correct and that you have a space at the start. If you can wait about a month we will have version 8 firmware available for general release (mid April).
This new firmware has a lot of new features including a new unload command COPYD. This command can track the last unload of up to 40 users, specify the output format (CSV, Fixed or DBD), FTP data, merging files, archiving and a whole lot more.
Good morning Bodson,
1. Over write or append
The FTP will over write existing files. Appending data with FTP depends on the capability of the server receiving the data. Most FTP sites don't have the capability of appending data to files and there is no way for DT80 to test if the FTP site has the capability.
2. New data
You can end up with duplicate data. The way you are using the unload command you will always unload the entire file.
You can use the time and date unload **U(9:05;23,2010/03/30)(End)** to unload from a specific times and date. You can also use channel variables in the time and date to keep track of the time / date of the last unload and use that in as the start in the next unload, e.g:
2CV=1CV '2CV = Time of last unload
T(=1CV) '1CV = Time of this unload
DO{U(2CV,0)} 'Unload data since last unload
3. Syntax error, the format is:
UC ""
Please check the syntax is correct and that you have a space at the start. If you can wait about a month we will have version 8 firmware available for general release (mid April).
This new firmware has a lot of new features including a new unload command COPYD. This command can track the last unload of up to 40 users, specify the output format (CSV, Fixed or DBD), FTP data, merging files, archiving and a whole lot more.