Hi all,
I flew down to another one of my companies section as they were having a problem with a DT80 setup there and that the agent that installed it cannot fix it.
It consists of the DT80 connected to a computer Via USB. The computer has an application written with LabView that draws graphs from the information from the datataker. The problem I saw was that the application was not communication with DT80. but the DT80 was sampling.
I managed to delete the current job in the data taker with the Delogger software and then everything runs fine. I.E No current job on DT80 but when I open the application DT80 show untitled and starts sampling and then when I close the application DT80 stops sampling.
If I open the program then the Program starts sampling again. this is correct. Where I have a problem is if I disconnect power from DT80 then when it restarts it starts sampling automatically without me running the application or even having a computer connected.
I spoke to the agent and he says that this is a change in the way the Series 3 works and that there is nothing we can do about it. I think this is more something to do with the program on DT80.
Can someone please help me?