Hi Rudy,
Thank you so much for your prompt answer.
I understand i cannot use dEX, so no problem i go to programm in the syntax as discribed in the manual.
i already downloaded DeLoad V 2.37 and that's running well.
also for DeTransfer V3.27 i tried it and works well.
I am working on a machine whithout any documentation so i am doing some kind of reverse engineering.....
The RS485 bus i am confronted whith is communicating between a Mitsubishi PLC FX3U and a couple of PID-thermocontrollers Yudian 516.
using programs like hyperterm i read the following data transmitted from the PLC;
81 81R 00 00 00S 00
82 82R 00 00 00T 00
83 83R 00 00 00U 00
Requesting data from the temp controllers, adressed by 81, 82, and 83
if the temperature controllers are connected they will answer the PLC by sending the following data;
Proces Temperature Lowbyte, Proces Temperature Highbyte, Set value Temperature Lowbyte, Set value Temperature Highbyte, Manual Output one byte, Alarmstatus one byte, R/W lowbyte, R/W highbyte, EEC lowbyte, EEC highbyte.
So the answer from the temp controllers will be given right after teh request from the PLC.
The low and highbytes together represent the value of the ;Proces and Set value
I would like to parse and log the ;
Proces Temperature
Set Temperature
To show (in binairy) what the response from the temp controller looks like i write down a answer given right after the question coming from PLC;
81 81R 00 00 00S 00
82 82R 00 00 00T 00
110001100 00000000 11010000 00000111 01100100 01100000 11010000 00000111 11001100 01110000
83 83R 00 00 00U 00
the low and high bytes has to be calculated like this;
128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 32786,16384,8192,4096,2048,1024,516,256
so if we take byte 3 and 4 we get the following;
LSB 11010000 LSB MSB 00000111 MSB
128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 32786,16384,8192,4096,2048,1024,516,256
128,64,00,16,0,0,0,00000000000000000000000000,1024,516,256 = 2004
since the temp controller sends the temperature in celcius x 10 the set value is 2004/10 = 200 degrees celcius.
Above binary code is the answer from temp controller 82 82
I also read from the terminal programs i tried the following parameters;
9600 BAUD
8 databids
no parity
1 stopbit
no flowcontrol
I would much appriciate if you would help me to point out the steps i have to take to ;
- program the DT80
- transfer the data each minute to a desktop computer on the same network as the DT80 is connected to
- store the data on the harddisk (in Excel?)
Maybe i ask too much, sorry for that, and yes i can read the manual but please excuse me, i read about 1000 pages already in manuals like FX3U PLC etc. I'm getting a little tired since i am a mechanic for the mechanical drivelines and not used to do this kind of (interesting) logging and machine communicating.
Kind regards, thanks in advance, Jan
Hi Rudy,
Thank you so much for your prompt answer.
I understand i cannot use dEX, so no problem i go to programm in the syntax as discribed in the manual.
i already downloaded DeLoad V 2.37 and that's running well.
also for DeTransfer V3.27 i tried it and works well.
I am working on a machine whithout any documentation so i am doing some kind of reverse engineering.....
The RS485 bus i am confronted whith is communicating between a Mitsubishi PLC FX3U and a couple of PID-thermocontrollers Yudian 516.
using programs like hyperterm i read the following data transmitted from the PLC;
81 81R 00 00 00S 00
82 82R 00 00 00T 00
83 83R 00 00 00U 00
Requesting data from the temp controllers, adressed by 81, 82, and 83
if the temperature controllers are connected they will answer the PLC by sending the following data;
Proces Temperature Lowbyte, Proces Temperature Highbyte, Set value Temperature Lowbyte, Set value Temperature Highbyte, Manual Output one byte, Alarmstatus one byte, R/W lowbyte, R/W highbyte, EEC lowbyte, EEC highbyte.
So the answer from the temp controllers will be given right after teh request from the PLC.
The low and highbytes together represent the value of the ;Proces and Set value
I would like to parse and log the ;
Proces Temperature
Set Temperature
To show (in binairy) what the response from the temp controller looks like i write down a answer given right after the question coming from PLC;
81 81R 00 00 00S 00
82 82R 00 00 00T 00
110001100 00000000 11010000 00000111 01100100 01100000 11010000 00000111 11001100 01110000
83 83R 00 00 00U 00
the low and high bytes has to be calculated like this;
128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 32786,16384,8192,4096,2048,1024,516,256
so if we take byte 3 and 4 we get the following;
LSB 11010000 LSB MSB 00000111 MSB
128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1 32786,16384,8192,4096,2048,1024,516,256
128,64,00,16,0,0,0,00000000000000000000000000,1024,516,256 = 2004
since the temp controller sends the temperature in celcius x 10 the set value is 2004/10 = 200 degrees celcius.
Above binary code is the answer from temp controller 82 82
I also read from the terminal programs i tried the following parameters;
9600 BAUD
8 databids
no parity
1 stopbit
no flowcontrol
I would much appriciate if you would help me to point out the steps i have to take to ;
- program the DT80
- transfer the data each minute to a desktop computer on the same network as the DT80 is connected to
- store the data on the harddisk (in Excel?)
Maybe i ask too much, sorry for that, and yes i can read the manual but please excuse me, i read about 1000 pages already in manuals like FX3U PLC etc. I'm getting a little tired since i am a mechanic for the mechanical drivelines and not used to do this kind of (interesting) logging and machine communicating.
Kind regards, thanks in advance, Jan
'66 mechanic and welder whith interest in electronics