Hello to all, today i installed my series 1 DT80 in a industrial machine and i am very glad to say it works well.
The data is read-able from the internal network from any computer in the network. Special thanks to Rudy who helps me whith several problems.
I tried Delogger 5 (since dEX is not compatible whith series 1) but it does not work fine, also i need to install the program to each computer on which i will observe Delogger 5 graphs.
Thingspeak is very populair in the "arduino scene" to present nice graphs, so i wonder if there is experience whith it already.
The trick would be to let DT80 send out some (special defined) "API"-code to the channel of thingspeak. So thingspeak can build an almost realtime graph.
I would like to update every 3 minuten, 8 values.
Edit; i tried something and it's quite easy. When you fill in the API ( containing the right value ) in your browser, Thingspeak is updating the corresponding graph!!
So i need to code the DT80 for sending out the API on the internet to keep updating the graphs.
The API i have to use for updating the graphs is the following;
Field1 stands for the measured sensor while "0" has to replaced for the actual value.
What command could be used to do so?
Thank you for reading, kind regards Jan.
'66 mechanic and welder whith interest in electronics