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Recovering data from DEX2

Hi All

I goofed today, and set the logging interval much shorter than usual (2 vs my usual 15 or 30 seconds), ran out of memory half way through my trial and overwrote the early data.

I have downloaded and dumped the DDB - it's still missing the first two hours or so, so I'm fairly sure they are gone.

I was watching the data in a DEX2 dashboard while it was being collected - long shot, but does it store a copy anywhere that is recoverable?

Hi All I goofed today, and set the logging interval much shorter than usual (2 vs my usual 15 or 30 seconds), ran out of memory half way through my trial and overwrote the early data. I have downloaded and dumped the DDB - it's still missing the first two hours or so, so I'm fairly sure they are gone. I was watching the data in a DEX2 dashboard while it was being collected - long shot, but does it store a copy anywhere that is recoverable?

Hi phoneymcringring,

Unfortunately, there is no way of recovering the data. When you create the program, you must define the memory size that you are going to use to avoid that issue. If you are not sure how much memory you need to use for your data, you can define the time frame instead (i.e: 1 day instead of 5 MB).

Best regards,
dataTaker Expert

Hi phoneymcringring, Unfortunately, there is no way of recovering the data. When you create the program, you must define the memory size that you are going to use to avoid that issue. If you are not sure how much memory you need to use for your data, you can define the time frame instead (i.e: 1 day instead of 5 MB). Best regards, dataTaker Expert
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